the rates french riviera pass

The rates

Benefit from free access to many sites and activities

Thanks to the French Riviera Pass and its advantageous rates, make significant savings on your leisure budget!

To take advantage of it, nothing could be simpler: choose the duration of your French Riviera Pass, opt, if you wish, for the transport option, and discover our rates in the table below:

DurationFrench Riviera Pass French Riviera Pass
with transport option*
24h28 €35 €
48h40 €53 €
72h59 €77 €
These tariffs come into force on 1 July 2023.

*Transport option – This package allows you to travel freely on the Lignes d’Azur bus and tram network of the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis for the duration of the French Riviera Pass. Please note that this package does not include transport to Antibes or Monaco, nor train journeys.
Cards with the transport option are only available from our information offices.

To help you make the most of your purchasing experience, try our simulator which allows you to define, in real time, your leisure budget with and without the French Riviera Pass.

Reduced rates for children?

There is no French Riviera Pass dedicated to children, they can acquire a French Riviera Pass in the same way as an adult.

Many of our partners offer children’s rates, so don’t hesitate to contact them to find out about their conditions and rates.

You can also calculate your savings with the French Riviera Pass by clicking here. The tool takes into account the age of your children and the different rates applied by our partners, it is the essential tool to budget your stay in Nice and on the French Riviera with peace of mind!